
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

1, I liked when we had free time and got to work with partners.
2.I did not like how we did the same thing every single day.
3.You can try doing new things with the class.
4.Yes, i really did my best in this class i did almost everything and did every reflection.
5.Yes i do read my 100+ goals every day for 2 minutes.
6. I can't say i was always a CTR person because sometimes i chose the bad.
7. I will always remember how Mr.Haymore was such a wonderful person.

"Of all the choices you will ever make, one choice supersedes all others-the ultimate choice. This one choice will help you always make correct decisions. This one choice, The Ultimate CHoice, is your keystone to being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice. THE ULTIMATE CHOICE IS:To be a CTR Person-to Always CHOOSE THE RIGHT

Reflection:In my opinion what the quote means is never choose another path that wont get you nowhere in life and that wont make you a better person, you have to try hard on doing whats right;meanwhile, some are doing worse for the community and yourself you could do whats best for you and everyone around one person can start a change on making everyone work together  you just have to picture for everyone else not just you you can help others on choosing the right.

Monday, June 1, 2015

"Success is not an accident.Success is actually a choice.Are the habits you have today on par with dreams you have have for tomorrow?" Alan Stein
Reflection: In my opinion what Alan Stein truly means is that is your privilege if you want to be successful person its if you want to no one forces you to do what you want success happens because you make it happen and you want the privilege on makings your dreams happen cause that you want not accomplishing them for others is your dreams your privilege your choice.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Student Success Statement
If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation there will be peace in the world.
Conclusion if there is beauty in character there will be peace in the world.
Chinese Proverb

Reflection: What I think this means is that if you have character you are beautiful maybe not form the outside but within your soul you are a great person this just means that if no one were to criticize and say unwanted things to each other and every one had a great character we could change the world.
The Six Pillars of Character
The six pillars of character are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness caring, and citizenship.

Trustworthiness: always be true to your word don’t cheat or steal keep a good reputation.
Respect: Treat others the way you would want to be treated. Be tolerant and accepting of differences. Avoid rude, offensive, and abusive words and actions.
Responsibility: Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes. Exercise self-control. Strive for excellence and self-improvement. Plan ahead. Set a good example for others.
Fairness: Be consistent, open, and treat all people equitably. Consider all sides and make decisions on the facts without favoritism or prejudice. Play by the rules, avoid careless accusations, and don’t take unnecessary advantage of others.
Caring: Be kind, compassionate, empathetic, generous, forgiving, and grateful.

Citizenship: Obey laws in good faith. Do your share to improve the well-being of fellow citizens and the community. Protect the environment and volunteer.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

"I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating." Sophocles
Reflection: In my opinion the quote is very inspiring because, if I were to fail and im honest it would be okay because failing may be the worst thing than can happen but you will achieve anything you have to have a little faliure to be a successful person instead of cheating your way of everything you do in life.
Memorial Day
What is Memorial Day? Memorial is the day of which those who died in active military service are remembered.

What is the purpose of Memorial Day? The purpose is to commemorate all men and women who have passed away in the military services of the United States.

When is it? It’s on the last Monday of May.

What are few ways to show honor and respect on Memorial Day? A few ways are; Take part in the National Moment of Remembrance at 3pm, Be a part of your community, Purchase a poppy from a VFW member, Blast the Sousa, Keep your family’s personal military history alive,  Donate to charity, Volunteer, If you’re a Veteran,please, take moment to write your own hist

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Student Success Statement
“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong.”
Wilford Woodruff

Reflection: I think he is trying to say that you will not feel anything good about yourself when you
 do bad you will only feel guilty.
LAUSD: Families
1.          Volunteer Program
2.       Parent Resources
3.         Preparing For College and Careers
4.        Parent Rights and Responsibilities
5.        ISIS Family Module
6.        Healthy Relationships

These services will benefit you because it can make the parent a better smarter person by still getting your education and you can show that to your child by being a good role model and they’ll want to do the same as you did.

Monday, May 11, 2015

"Nicest Man in the World"
Patrick Morgan 
In the video i watched of a nicest man who worked in an airport we was walking around and saw and iPad with 13k stuffed in the case of the iPad instead of keeping it he turned it in to the authority once the guy came to get his iPad he gave patrick 60 dollars patrick instead of keeping the money he gave it to a homeless woman afterwards he got an award and his boos gave him a check of $625.00 it may not be a lot but he did a great thing and its phenomenal. I felt happy because there is people out there nice and get something in return for doing something good even if it a little thing and it made me wonder if he can do it and so can i and i can get something in life it won't matter how big or small the thing is at least i know made that person's life a little better cause i know ill get something returned and ill be grateful too.
“The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity (self-worth),  integrity, and self-esteem.” – Dr .Laura Schlessinger
Reflection: In my opinion what the quote means is that always do whats good because they're  benifits on doing whats good  you many not think that but there is unless you want to know in a different way that isn't good and being question if your actually good or just a bad person that people don't want to be involved with. 
LAUSD: Students
Services: District Nursing, Student Health and Human, Student Integration, Psychological, etc. Services   

Benefits on these services: The benefit on Nursing homes is to see how the elder live and see how they live life and be part of there life on helping them do thing they aren’t capable of. For the health and human is to see how our health and others are our body structure.  Also for student integration is for  knowing how get the clues of a ‘suspect’ and seeing if they are innocent or guilty. Last but not least is Psychological services is too know how different people think and what there perspective.

Which one would I like too choose? I feel that the services I would take is Psychological because I really want know how people are the way they are and I find psychology pretty interesting more than any other services.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Nursing home administration
Nursing home administration is a specialized area of medical and health services management. Nursing home administrators work to supervise clinical and administrative affairs of nursing homes and related facilities. Typical duties of nursing home administrators include overseeing staff and personnel, financial matters, medical care, medical supplies, facilities, and other duties as specific positions demand.
Salary: $88,580

Education: you'll need at least a four-year bachelor's degree

Friday, May 1, 2015

“Dare to stand alone” – Thomas S. Monson
Reflection: In my opinion on what the quote means is if you know that there will be consequences on what people make you or lead you to do always stand by yourself because they want to take you down with them cause they want you to be a follower you have to show them you can do it on your own and that you don't need people like they are in your life because you'll find some other good people who stand alone on the same situation as you can be.


Psychology is the study of mind and behavior, it is an academic discipline and applied science which seeks to understand individual or groups. In this field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called psychologist and can be classified as social, behavioral, or cognitive scientist.  Claims of psychology include mental health treatment, performance enhancement, self-help, ergonomics, and any others areas affecting health and daily life.  While the requirements vary from program to program, but some of the most commonly required core psychology include: Introduction to Psychology, Statistics, Abnormal Psychology,& Personality Psychology. Other classes that may or may not be required by psychology include: History of Psychology, Social Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, & Sensation and Perception. Most psychology programs also require a minimum number of psychology electives in order to graduate. Electives for Psychology Majors are: Sociology, Public affairs, Social work, Anthropology, Communications, Criminal Justice< Biology, Health sciences ,History, English composition, Statistics, Political Science, & Philosophy.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

"In many moment of decision,
the best thing you can do is the
right thing." Theodore Roosevelt

Reflection; In my opinion the quote means that always do whats right dont even think about it do it because you'll be the one putting up with consequences.

I have 532 goals. Out of those 532 goals i have achieved 223.
Medical Surveillance Technician
Duties and Responsibilities: Provide information based on the patients diagnosis and prescribe treatment by preforming laboratory test in toxicology,chemistry, and hematology etc.  

Education: Taking courses in electronics at community college or technical schools can beneficial to aspiring  surveillance technicians. High school diploma may be sufficient for some jobs many employers prefer to hire candidates who have taken specialized college courses. Programs in electronics or electrical engineering technology at the 2-year level will provide surveillance technicians with background circuit design and implementation, electronics installation, measurements and electrical systems.
Reflection: I would like to know more about this career pathway too know if i would be one ad see what they go through and if its difficult. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Dr.Bob is an amazing doctor according to his patients. He is a kind and generous man he is a doctor. But he helps the people in need such as people with no insurance, no money, ext. He does all his kind actions in New York. Dr.Bob also doesnt live in the safest nor elegant city. He rather give his money away to the poor and keep mostly donations thats mainly what he lives by.
“Make each day your masterpiece, You have to apply yourself each day to become a little better, and over a period of time you become a lot better.” John Wooden
Reflection:  In my opinion what the quote means is that always do everything as  a beautiful thing  even though you may get a little distracted in other things that really doesn't matter at the time but push yourself to to be good at it and you'll get better and better not today, or tomorrow but you will know when day come s when you became a lot better and you'll back and see how much effort you but in on your work or anything you did to make yourself be great.
Military Medical Opportunities
Flight Surgeon
Duties and Responsibilities: U.S. Air Force flight surgeons provide emergency medical care to pilots and their crew. Flight surgeons make sure soldiers are healthy before missions and promote healthy diets and lifestyles to prevent the spread of illnesses. Surgeons fly along on most missions, including special operations.

Salary: Second lieutenants earn $33,941 in their first two years. First lieutenants and captains make $39,103-$45,256 a year respectively.  Major generals in the first two years ear $116,197

Education: Air Force flight surgeon must possess a doctor of medicine or a doctor of osteopathic medicine degree and complete a postgraduate surgical residency. Flight surgeons can complete accredited programs through the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, the American Osteopathic Association, or through similar healthcare organizations. Surgeons must also attend a five-week military and healthcare training program after they join the Air Force.

Reflection: This is not a career for me because i se do myself helping people but not specifically as a flight surgeon.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

     My thoughts on this story is that the young ladies did the right thing to carry her to home base. Also, the girls were very couragous, as well her coach for telling the umpire if they could do what they did. The umpire was generous enough to let them carry Sara to home base.
"Its a great moment when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time."
Pam Knox

Reflection: In my opinion on this quote is that what she is trying to say is speak up when you something happening rather it's bullying or some other things that can hurt the person you just have to know its the right thing to do instead being a witness of the situation; however, you having character and doing whats right the person might even thank you from helping them on the right time they needed the help from a person who step up and whats right.

Medical Illustrator
Duties and Responsibilities A medical illustrator is a professional artist with specialized training and advanced education in medicine, science, art, design, visual technology, media techniques, and in theories related to communication and learning; however, medical illustrators are used to show people about disseminate medical, biological or related info.

Salary: $62,000 and can be range to 100,000

Education: Most medical illustrator have Master’s degree from an accredited graduate program from one of four medical schools. Course works include: human gross anatomy, physiology, pathology, histology, neuroanatomy, embryology, and surgery.
 Reflection: I would like to know more about this job and see if it will suit me well ; however being and illustrator might seem pleasant to do in the future.
Treat the Earth and all that dwell therein with respect 

 Remain close to the Great Spirit 

 Show great respect for your fellow beings 

 Work together for the benefit of all Mankind 

 Give assistance and kindness wherever needed 

 Do what you know to be right 

 Look after the well-being of Mind and Body

 Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater Good 

 Be truthful and honest at all times 

 Take full responsibility for your actions 

Reflection: The Commandments mean being true and honest to your help and helping others no matter what even though they are strangers you could be helpful.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

"What you see is what you get" 
Reflection: In my opinion the quote means is you see yourself having a good job and a nice then you can accomplish that unless you see yourself doing it but not try hard enough. For example you say you wanna be a surgeon and you imagine yourself becoming one;however, you picture yourself but yet your not even trying hard enough to become one the only thing you do is say it but don't try it is all based on how you look at yourself  and if you are really committed to try to be who you want to be.Your the one chooses to see yourself the way you are by looking at yourself the way you want.

Professional Photographer

Duties and Responsibilities: Professional Photographer combine technical presidency with artistry to create images of people, animals, events, and objects. Like most artists, they attempt to portray feelings, thoughts, and other information without words. Also know how to operate the camera and related equipment to produce unique images.
Salary:   $29,280 annually

Education: There are no formal educational requirements for professional photographers; however, many employers prefer to hire college graduates with training in photography and other areas in business and communications. Bachelor’s and associate degrees in photography are offered through many colleges and universities and are often coupled degrees in art.
Reflection: I think  I would of course like to be one mostly because it is a nice  career ,;however, im still trying to know more about it and see some pros and cons but yes this will be close to my future job.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Student Success Statement
“Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”
Henry David Thoreau

What I think this means is that if your always good to yourself and others that will be the only investment you will ever need because being good gets you far in life and being bad doesn't.
World Records
1.       Youngest person to climb Mount Everest, 13 year old Jordan Romero from California climbed Mount Everest on May 22, 2010.
2.       Longest time spent in direct contact with ice, Wim Hoff of the Netherland  remained submerged in ice for 1 hour 42 minutes and 22 seconds.
3.       World’s Largest Chocolate Sculpture, chocolate and pastry professionals Ozina created world’s largest chocolate sculpture that weighs 18,239 pounds the sculpture was modeled after an Ancient Mayan Temple.

The world record that fascinates me the most is longest time spent in ice because I would be  surprised if he didn’t end up in the hospital.
I would not like to break any world records.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

“My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy; you don’t make them because they are cheap; you don’t make them because they’re popular; you make them because they’re right.”  Theodore hesburgh

Reflection: What the quote means that never make your decisions to make you part of being so called ‘popularity group’ or whatever but just make your decisions  on what you think its right from other things instead of think it make you'll look ‘cool’ its not that is choosing the decision that’s right for you and your future not what you want other to see you like.

(LPN) Licensed Practical Nurse

Licensed Practical Nurse

Duties and Responsibilities: Licensed practical nurses provide basic care to patients in a multitude of health care settings. They maintain and monitor patients healthperform wound care, update patient records, take vital signs and assist patients with personal hygiene

Median Salary: $41,920

Education: Starting a career as a licensed practical nurse with completion of a state-approved training program. Available in technical schools, community colleges, and hospitals , LPN programs typically last a year and result in a diploma. The other courses Practical nursing students might also take:
·         Basic nursing
·         Medical terminology
·         Infection control
·         Life span health care

·         Pharmacology
              Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? or Why not?
             I would like too know more about this career to decide if I actually  pick yes or no, just with the little information I have I could have found more but its better to know or ask someone who is one and have there point of view on this career

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

"It is our duty to concentrate all our influence to make popular that which is sound, and good, and unpopular that which is unsound (not good)

Joseph Smith
Reflection; What Joseph Smith is trying to say is everyone is being focused on being known as they one girl/guy that did whatever they did which made other people think that they are so popular because of it or more known but actually being a better person and doing whats right makes you more popular because other people might see you doing your own thing which is something then you'll be influencing other to follow the right path instead of doing they shouldnt do just the first person who did it made them 'popular' just stand out from that crowd prove them wrong by showing them doing good makes you popular in a good way inest of being popular by rumors.
Home Health Aide
Duties and Responsibilities:  Preforms home task such as housekeeping, laundry, shopping and errands. Home health Aide prepare and serve modified diets according to instruction and assists with feeding as necessary. Assists you with bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, including use of bedpan, commode or toilet, also assists you with transfers and ambulation including cane, walker, and wheelchair.
Salary: $22,050 per year
Education: According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS),the educational requirements for home health aides vary depends on the employer. Aides who work for organizations the receive fund from Medicare or Medicaid must complete formal training, while the ones in private companies do not have to meet the obligations. Certificate programs are available.

Reflection: This job seems pretty to have mostly because your  being help to people who really needs help at home and dont have family they i would like to know about this job so yes i would be one

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Student Success Statement
“I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stands with him while he is right and apart with him when he goes wrong.”
Abraham Lincoln

Reflection: what I think this quote means to me is to be true to yourself and to others and to stand with them when and only when they are right but leave when he/she does wrong.
April Fool’s Day

On this day in 1700, English pranksters begin popularizing the annual tradition of April Fools’ Day by playing practical jokes on each other. Some historians speculate that April Fools’ Day dates back to 1582, when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563. Historians have also linked April Fools’ Day to ancient festivals such as Hilaria, which was celebrated in Rome at the end of March and involved people dressing up in disguises. There’s also speculation that April Fools’ Day was tied to the vernal equinox, or first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, when Mother Nature fooled people with changing, unpredictable weather. April Fools’ Day spread throughout Britain during the 18th century. In Scotland, the tradition became a two-day event, starting with hunting the gowk, in which people were sent on phony errands gowk is a word for cuckoo bird, a symbol for fool and followed by Tailie Day, which involved pranks played on people’s derrieres, such as pinning fake tails or “kick me” signs on them. In modern times, people have gone to great lengths to create elaborate April Fools’ Day hoaxes. Newspapers, radio and TV stations and Web sites have participated in the April 1 tradition of reporting outrageous fictional claims that have fooled their audiences.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Student Success Statement
“Character is higher than intellect.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

What this means to is that the better character you have is higher than your intelligence.
Health Sciences Librarian
Duties and Responsibilities: medical librarians work in libraries or resource centers located in hospitals, research centers, or medical schools. They do much of the work a typical librarian would do, such acquiring and cataloging books and assisting those who are using the library for research or educational purposes, but they work with health-related materials. Many provide information to families, working with medical staff to approve educational resources, or to collect data and manage newsletters. They also maintain daily operations of the library, covering some basic administrative duties.
Salary: Median Salary since 2013 $55,690 for all librarians
Education: You will need a bachelor’s of science degree in Library Science or Health Science. Many medical librarians have a master’s degree in Library Science.

Reflection: I really don’t think this is the medical field I would like to work in it doesn't
 seem to complicated but then again nothing is easy in life but I don’t see myself really doing this.