Psychology is the study of mind and behavior, it is an academic discipline and applied science which seeks to understand individual or groups. In this field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called psychologist and can be classified as social, behavioral, or cognitive scientist. Claims of psychology include mental health treatment, performance enhancement, self-help, ergonomics, and any others areas affecting health and daily life. While the requirements vary from program to program, but some of the most commonly required core psychology include: Introduction to Psychology, Statistics, Abnormal Psychology,& Personality Psychology. Other classes that may or may not be required by psychology include: History of Psychology, Social Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, & Sensation and Perception. Most psychology programs also require a minimum number of psychology electives in order to graduate. Electives for Psychology Majors are: Sociology, Public affairs, Social work, Anthropology, Communications, Criminal Justice< Biology, Health sciences ,History, English composition, Statistics, Political Science, & Philosophy.
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